Friday, February 3, 2012

Oblivion in British Columbia

Oblivion - Astor Piazzolla

I originally heard this song on So You Think You Can Dance during Lauren Froderman's Argentine Tango routine. I listen to it over and over after that.

British Columbia - The Elected

I found this song on some obscure website I don't remember, but I liked the feel of the song, so I got it. Deal. Don't judge. Fine, if you don't like it, just move on. Sheesh. This guy... yea! haha yea, that guy! Gotta love when people just do that for no reason. Haha, oh life.

Movie Music: Into Where The Wild Things Are

Worried Shoes - Karen O and the Kids

I still have to see Where The Wild Things Are. I heard this song first in a short film called Buildings & Vampires:

Guarenteed - Eddie Vedder

I first saw Into The Wild very late at night. At night I love these campfire type songs so I think it was the perfect context to watch the film.