Saturday, January 28, 2012

Movie Music: Pina

I just saw a great dance film called Pina. Right when I got home I went to go find the soundtrack to show you all. I highly suggest seeing this film if you are at all interested in watching dance. The subtlety of the moment portrayed in the dancers sweats of age and experience. Unlike a lot of So You Think You Can Dance, they don't have to do high jumps and backflips to absolutely blow your mind.
The movie has a great theme of fragility as strength. Every little movement counts.

The Here And After - Jun Miyake

Lillies of the Valley - Jun Miyake

Bahamut - Hazmat Modine

I really hope you go see this movie. If you do, tell me what you thought!!!

Again and again, life is a song.

Life Is A Song - Patrick Park

Again & Again - The Bird and The Bee

I'm an Artist Pusher: Jack Johnson

Everyone knows him, but imma post him anyways.

Crying Shame

Remember this song? I first heard it coming back from a shore trip with my youth group a loong time ago. I remember getting Dairy Queen because I was thirsty. BE WARNED: Dairy Queen does not quench thirst.

Times Like These

Middle Man (Confused) - Jack Johnson

Holy crap, I always thought this song was called "Confused," but I guess I was wrong. Still love it though.


Of course I like Sitting, Waiting, Wishing! I just wanted to post songs by him that I like that I didn't hear being killed on the radio.

Lover's Spit

I just came across this song, so imma post it here... The name is kinda gross, but just listen to it will ya? Unless you absolutely hate slow songs, then leave now.

Lover's Spit - Broken Social Scene

Lover's Spit - Broken Social Scene featuring Feist

I'm an Artist Pusher: Stefan Nadelman

Stefan is not a music artist, but he has directed some crazy good music videos.

I Say Fever - Ramona Falls

Evil Bee - Menomena